A Positive Outlook Beyond Interest Rate Concerns

Have you noticed the headlines recently? There seems to be quite the buzz surrounding the Federal Reserve and interest rates. It might seem like these rate changes are the only thing that matters. But take a closer look, and you’ll discover there’s a strong backbone of economic growth that’s often overshadowed by these stories. Despite the usual worries about what …

2023 Debt Ceiling Deal: The Changes and What They Mean for Us

President Biden recently signed the 2023 Debt Ceiling Deal. This significant legislation plays a crucial role in preventing the U.S. from defaulting on its debt, effectively serving as a safety net for our economy and protecting us from a potential global financial disaster.Who’s Cutting Back?The 2023 deal includes several components. One notable aspect is the introduction of new restrictions on …

When Will The Bear Market End?

A quote by the celebrated fund manager Sir John Templeton states, “Bull markets are born on pessimism, grow on skepticism, mature on optimism, and die on euphoria.” Investors are anxious right now, and it’s understandable.2022 – An Uncommon YearNow, rattled by Russia and China, battling rising costs and a potential recession, one must ask: When will the bear market end? While there …

How Rising Interest Rates Impact Investments

In an attempt to control inflation, the Federal Reserve has signaled its intention to raise the federal funds rate (currently set at zero) three times in 2022. This will effectively raise interest rates in general, making it more expensive to borrow money. Even small increases in the federal funds rate can have an impact on investor decisions. Here are three …

What Is Inflation—And Why Is Everyone Talking About It?

Climbing commodity prices, ambitious government spending packages due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic crash have resurrected a long-dormant fear: runaway inflation. But what is inflation, and is it something to worry about? A lot of the thinking surrounding inflation has changed over the years, and economists disagree on what causes it and how much weight the federal …

How Does Dollar-Cost Averaging Work?

When you’re in a traffic jam on the highway, you may find yourself trying to merge into whichever lane is moving fastest at the moment, only to find yourself falling behind drivers that stayed in one lane the whole time. In the same way, you may feel the urge to time the stock market, attempting to put your money in …

What You Need to Know About Investing During an Election

Elections can move the market, but that doesn’t mean you should change your approach Like any big news event, U.S. presidential elections can cause ripples and even waves in the stock market. In November 2016, for example, Donald Trump’s victory sent Dow Jones Industrial Average futures plunging 900 points on election night, as investors reacted to the unexpected outcome. The …

Two Strategies for Rebalancing Your Portfolio

How to bring your portfolio back in line with your goals Your investment portfolio is more than the sum of your account balances. It represents your pathway toward important financial goals, whether a comfortable retirement or a college education for your kids. But over time, the inevitable ups and downs of the financial markets can change the profile of your …

Keeping Emotions at Bay During Virus Volatility

Fear, uncertainty, volatility, panic—these emotions are nothing new to the world of investing. In fact, they seem to reappear on a fairly consistent basis. The outbreak of Covid-19 has brought them back with a vengeance, but wise investors know how to stay the course, keep their emotions in check, and take advantage of new opportunities. Crises Are an Expected Part of …

5 Tips for Navigating the Coronavirus Crash

When stock markets experience sudden downturns, investors can feel anxious and make decisions detrimental to their long-term goals. After all, when you’ve worked hard for the money, it’s painful to see your account balances drop. This is a natural reaction, even with savvy investors who’ve experienced market volatility before. These extremes are enough to test your nerves. Now is not …